Tiffany Gantt

Aloha! My name is Tiffany. I was born in North Carolina, noted for its fine arts. It was so inspiring living there. I was born into a family that were artisans; making fine wooden furniture. From my earliest recollection, I have always loved the arts. I am inspired from my memories of my family dedicating their lives to making art.
On my journey to California, I settled seaside in Dana Point. As I walked along the shore, I was in awe of all the beauty. My influences are the beautiful nature and the ocean waters. In my quest for the ocean, I traveled to Hawaii and lived there for a brief time being even more inspired! I have been living in San Clemente for more than 25 years. I am also a coffee barista artist! I make and present coffee to my customers with the same passion as doing my art. I need art in my daily life! It gives me joy and lifts me up. It empowers me to create anything I put my mind to. I have a deep love for all of the arts. I am self taught and have taken classes to improve my technique! My other influences are Bob Ross, who was famous for his plein air oil paintings, and of course the master, Leonardo Da Vinci. I also have more family that are artisans. I have chosen this eclectic mix of artwork to convey my feelings to my audience. I love it when the viewer forms their own opinion and I can see their point of view; that also inspires me!
To give back to the community, I have also chosen to volunteer at Our Lady of Fatima School. I work as an assistant to help instruct children in making art. I see the joy in their faces and eyes when they begin. This has made me appreciate my art so much more!