The San Clemente Art Association
Cosponsored by the city of San Clemente As a non-profit, volunteer organization, SCAA expects each member to contribute time, talent and interest to the betterment of our organization, and the enrichment of art in the community of San Clemente.
SKETCH PAD: A monthly newsletter informs Club members of coming programs, scheduled events and Club news. A calendar of activities is included.
MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: Club meetings are held the second Sunday of each month. September through June, at 3:00 p.m. in the Ole Hanson Room (next to the gallery). Programs include lectures and demonstrations on art and craft with qualified speakers and demonstrators.
ART GALLERY: The Gallery is open weekdays from 12 to 4 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is no admission charge, the public is welcome. All members are eligible to enter art work in each of our 8 shows a year. Six of our shows are judged and two are not. With the exception of the annual “Paint San Clemente” theme show. (All members receive a copy of our Membership Directory which contains dates of shows, gallery rules and Club Constitution and By-laws.).
ART-CRAFT FAIR: A two day outdoor show held the 3rd week in August. Outside artists and craftspeople are invited to take part, but our members have early reservation privileges. This is an outstanding show, well attended by the public. Since this is our major fund raiser of the year, all members are urged to help out in one capacity or another. Read your Sketch Pad and volunteer!
MEMBERSHIP:With over 250 members and 8 Art Shows each year the Association continues to grow and reach out to the local artists and community in meaningful and creative ways and is open to anyone interested.