Maurine Lacher

Maurine Lacher is a prominent artist who’s inspirational paintings in oil, acrylic and watercolor have been purchased by collectors around the world. She paints in her studio or on location of sea, land, structures, florals, sea life, birds and exotic animals.
She is also known for teaching art, art demonstrations and art exhibitions.
Although Maurine has drawn and painted most of her life, she pursued oil painting in her mid 20s, studying with professional artists, attending California Art Institute of Laguna Beach and Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, California. For 15 years, Maurine owned the successful “Dana Point Art Center Gallery” which was also a learning studio. She displayed and sold her art in galleries of Laguna Beach and other So. Cal. venues. She displayed and sold her art at Sawdust Festival, Festival of Arts and 10 year charter member and exhibitor of the Art-A-Fair.
Maurine is a native Southern Californian, happily married 64 years, has 4 wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws, 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. She loves life and thanks God for all her blessings.