Silvia B. Garcia

I have always enjoyed exploring and expressing myself through Art. When I’m making art, I feel happy, excited, and at peace. I particularly like experimenting with color and texture, and music often inspires me. For me, the process starts with an idea, and then I just do it. I don’t overthink it or try to plan how to do it. I allow the work to evolve until I feel it is complete. With a background in Architecture and a love for nature, my artwork exhibits the contrast between imagined, human-made structures, and the natural world. I work in a variety of mediums including oils, acrylics, and watercolor. I enjoy the process of collage and layering with optical digital media. I create freely, without limiting myself to any particular style or form of expression. My work is vibrant and filled with color, movement, and life, a reflection of who I am and the life I lead.