Become A Member
This Association is a cultural entity and shall not take part in political or philanthropic activities. An art scholarship may be awarded to a worthy student at the discretion of the Executive Board.
A member is defined as one whose application has been approved and accepted by the Executive Board and whose dues have been paid in full. The Executive Board shall have the power to grant Honorary Membership to persons for outstanding service or other reasons.
Dues are $50.00 per person. For an additional person residing at the same address, wishing to be a member, the cost is an additional $10.00. The dues may be raised or lowered at the beginning of the fiscal year upon the recommendation of the Executive Board and a vote of 2/3 of the members present at the Annual Meeting. Dues are due on June 16th and are delinquent as of July 15th. Only a delinquent member residing in the Association’s geographical area shall be automatically reinstated upon payment of a full year’s dues. All others will be delisted from the Association’s roster.